The weather in Key West has been “marginal” the last few days Some wind, but not too much and it has been a bit of rain passing through the Key West area. Despite slightly adverse conditions weatherwise, we have still been catching some nice Mahi on the...
On Friday the Wind picked up and so did the fishing. I had a Father/Son group on both Saturday and Sunday and on both days the Mahi fishing was better than when it was slick calm earlier in the week. It was “sporty” but not bad. Probably 3 ft seas. Most...
December has brought Cooler weather and that means the King Mackerel are here! King Mackerel as we call them, Also known as Kingfish, are pushed South as the water gets colder. They are fished commercially by both net and Hook and line fishermen. Their numbers have...
We had another early departure today but with different results. We did well on the Black Fin Tuna the last few days and I was hoping to do well again. My charter was originally scheduled for noon to 6 pm, but because of the early tuna bite, I convinced my customers...
The weather is still turning Offshore fishing is tough right now, but there are still a few good fish around. Business is still slow. We are only fishing 1-2 days a week, but hopefully, it will pick up after this week. This weekend is the start of Key West’s...
Fishing on the New Moon This fall has been more like a “traditional” fall season………………in other words slow. Both business-wise and fishing-wise. The last few years, with all the COVID issues going on, Key West has been...